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Documentation & Design 📃


There are a couple of places where we store documentation depending on the purposes of it.

  • Confluence -> Source of truth for the general, research and project documentation
  • GitHub -> Can be found here. Contains developer-related documentation such as guides on development tools, git and coding agreements.
  • Azure DevOps Wiki -> We try to keep our documentation centralised in the first two places but if the project is fully in Azure DevOps or shared between other Wilhelmsen teams we document that project specific documentation within the Azure DevOps Wiki.

How We Optimise Working With Documentation​

  • We try to have a logical folder structure that is intuitive to use. Each level needs to have an overview for the underlying pages.
  • We automatically generate pages in Confluence based on the documentation we have in GitHub. This way users can search for it on Confluence and navigate to GitHub if needed.
  • We also document all of our repositories with short description visible in the overview page as well as an extended description in the readme file for each of them.
  • We create Architecture Decision Records (ADRs) and maintain them for future reference. This way we can steer our future decisions based on our previous experience.

Design 🎨


For user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design, we rely on Figma. We leverage the ability to collaborate during our design processes to make them more efficient. We also use this tool a lot to validate our design with stakeholders prior to implementing it in the application.

Draw IO​

Even though Draw IO is a diagramming software, we also use it for brainstorming architectures for our solutions. Ability to create a concise visual representations of our architecture (including flowcharts, network diagrams, and system overviews) facilitates better understanding for both technical and non-technical audiences.